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Latin America
4 organizations win WestWind Awards 2024-2025
The winning projects prioritize minority groups, present a clear strategy to boost youth participation, and use AMAZE content as part of their interventions.
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Civil society organizations in Kenya have long advocated to expand women’s rights to safe and legal abortion and the recent ruling opens a new opportunity. 
As a co-founder of the International Women’s Health Coalition, Adrienne dedicated her career to ensuring that women and girls worldwide had the freedom to control their own bodies and full access to educational opportunities.
The YP Foundation is an organization that equips adolescent leaders across the country to take up issues of health, gender, sexuality, and justice with their peers, communities, and policy makers.  
Latin America
Sin duda el avance legal y jurídico es fundamental, pero el cambio cultural y social es igual de importante, y para eso se requiere fortalecer las acciones de gobierno en favor de la salud, la educación, el empleo y en general la inclusión de personas LGBT+
United States
#SomosMareaVerde. We are the Green Wave and we won’t back down until abortion is safe, legal, and accessible to all. Download your printable protest sign here.
United States
Fòs Feminista and its Puerto Rican partner Profamilias denounce a leaked draft of U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
Latin America
Fòs Feminista’s Chief Executive Officer, Giselle Carino, speaks about the impacts of U.S. policy on reproductive rights and justice worldwide.
United States
Fòs Feminista releases a first-of-its-kind report on the strengths and pitfalls of the revocation of the Global Gag Rule.
United States
The GGR is a destructive U.S. foreign policy that obstructs global health and human rights around the world
Meet Kobe Smith: one of the pillars of GRPA and of Fòs Feminista
Grupos feministas de la sociedad civil exigen una acción climática urgente al cierre de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la ONU

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