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November 1, 2022

Fòs Feminista’s 2021 Annual Report


Amincia Cloveus, a Haitian immigrant in the Dominican Republic, says that when she connected with Fòs Feminista partner Profamilia she accessed the information and care she needed to exercise her choice not to have children. She now works with movements, programs, and initiatives focused on adolescent pregnancy and abortion harm reduction at Profamilia. (CREDIT: Esperança Dias, 2022)

We cultivated partnerships and fostered collaborations with 220+ organizations in 40+ countries to advance sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice in 2021.

In 2021, we launched Fòs Feminista as a new model for international feminist action and solidarity on sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHRJ).  

The humanitarian emergencies caused by armed violence. The environmental and climate disasters. The persistent inequitable impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these has demonstrated the urgent need for robust feminist civil society organizations, and we are proud that our partners have been there throughout to provide first-line care centering the SRHR of women, girls, and gender-diverse people.  

Our sense of purpose deepened with the June 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that ended almost 50 years of constitutional protection for abortion rights in the United States, and its global ripple effects. By supporting collaborations across borders and facilitating learning exchanges with South-based feminist organizations that are experts in advancing SRHR within restrictive contexts, we are more effective in holding governments accountable and improving access to care 

In 2021, we celebrated the decriminalization of abortion in Mexico, and in early 2022 it was time to celebrate the expansion of abortion rights in Colombia. These victories are the result of years of feminist organizing by our partners and others to shift social and moral views to prioritize protecting people’s health and wellbeing when facing an unwanted pregnancy. This work of social decriminalization is essential to building support for law and policy change for SRHR rights, ensuring that changes are implemented, and ultimately enabling women, girls, and others to pursue their life projects with the conditions to exercise freedom and bodily autonomy.  

A time of compounding crises is also a time ripe for feminist change. I cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support and critical reflections throughout. Everything that is mentioned in the Report is made possible with your support and we are excited to share more about what we have achieved during a very tough but inspiring year. We hope you take as much pride in that as we do! 

In Solidarity,

Giselle Carino
Chief Executive Officer
Fòs Feminista


Download the Report

Inside you’ll meet Fòs Feminista’s Alliance of partners working to make change a reality for women, girls, and gender-diverse people:


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