
United States
Trump’s Re-election: Implications for Global Health and Rights
With sexual and reproductive rights at greater risk than ever, our resolve to protect and advance them becomes even more critical.
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KMET’s Center for Maternal Health Innovations in Kenya is tackling maternal mortality with locally-driven solutions, including life-saving UBT kits and economic empowerment programs.
Argentina, Latin America
La Revuelta supports self-managed abortion in Argentina through accompaniment and advocacy, ensuring access despite growing restrictions.
Guatemala, Haiti, Latin America
Fòs Feminista and its partners in Haiti and Guatemala continue to provide reproductive healthcare amid crises, ensuring that services reach those in need. Learn how we support communities in challenging times.
Bangladesh, Cameroon
Fòs Feminista supports young leaders in global advocacy, empowering activists like Hilux Fokou Ngoumo and Ananya Drong to shape policies and advance gender equality.
United States
The GGR is a destructive U.S. foreign policy that obstructs global health and human rights around the world
International, USA
A Feminist, Global South–led Analysis of Anti-rights and Anti-gender Action from America
These remarkable feminist leaders further strengthen our committed and visionary Board of Directors.
Self-care is an act of promotion and protection of bodily autonomy, defined as a fundamental right and the foundation for gender equality.
To activists and advocates everywhere now confronting a world that demands even greater fortitude of them: You are not alone.
Caribbean, Dominican Republic
The work of community health promoters in the bateyes is driving significant change in access to sexual and reproductive health services.
Caribbean, Dominican Republic
Profamilia is working to break the silence around sexual and reproductive health in the Dominican Republic through care, community, and advocacy.

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