Global feminist movements will push back against the implementation of draconian anti-abortion policies in the United States and elsewhere.
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New York, NY — The Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization today opens the door for the criminalization of abortion that we feared when a draft opinion was leaked to the media last month. The Supreme Court has overturned both Roe v. Wade, the 49-year-old court case that recognized the right to abortion in the United States, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, which established the constitutional right to abortion in the country. By removing the constitutional protection, the decision triggers abortion bans in 13 states, criminalizing abortion in most or all cases, while an additional 9 states have either laws prohibiting abortions after 6 weeks or laws enacted before Roe v. Wade that ban abortion and were never removed.
In response to today’s ruling, Giselle Carino, Chief Executive Officer of Fòs Feminista, issued the following statement:
“Today’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson reflects the tightening grip of authoritarian forces in the United States. The attack on women’s and others’ bodily autonomy is something that global feminist movements know well from the alarming advances that anti-gender, anti-rights groups have made across the globe.
“Without question, the United States is moving backward and standing alone from other democracies in a way that is appalling. The United States is now among a small handful of countries that have backtracked on abortion rights: El Salvador, Honduras, Iran, Nicaragua, and Poland. The damage to the United States’ reputation as a public health leader globally will be immense.
“Supporting women and people who can get pregnant in the United States, including migrants, in the aftermath of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision is part of a global struggle for equality and democracy, and we will not back down. Safe abortion access and the right to make decisions about our own lives and bodies is what democracy looks like for women and people who can become pregnant.
“Fòs Feminista and our partners in the global feminist movements come to this struggle prepared with what we have learned, fought for, and built in the global resistance to anti-abortion authoritarianism. As feminist activists, we are experts in what it takes to expand access to abortion under difficult circumstances — because we’ve done it time and time again.”
Contact: mkesler@mrss.com
Fòs Feminista is an international feminist alliance centered around sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice for women, girls, and gender-diverse people. Together with more than 170 local organizations across the globe, we engage in healthcare, education, and advocacy to advance our agenda. This includes providing sexual and reproductive health services and implementing community-based strategies that make sexual and reproductive healthcare more accessible to women, girls, and others at the margins. We also engage young people with comprehensive sexuality education and provide care to survivors of gender-based violence. We stand alongside our partners in the streets, in the courts, and in other advocacy spaces as an unapologetically feminist voice, resisting injustice and advocating for gender equality and reproductive rights locally and globally.
Los movimientos feministas globales reaccionarán contra la implementación de la severa política antiaborto en Estados Unidos y en el mundo.
La decisión del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos en el caso Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization abre hoy la puerta a la criminalización del aborto que temíamos cuando se filtró a los medios de comunicación un borrador del dictamen el mes pasado. El Tribunal Supremo ha anulado tanto el caso Roe v. Wade, de 49 años de antigüedad, que reconocía el derecho al aborto en Estados Unidos, como el caso Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, que reafirmaba este derecho. La decisión ha desencadenado leyes peligrosas en todo Estados Unidos que restringirán el acceso a la atención al aborto en al menos 13 estados, poniendo en peligro la vida de las mujeres y de otras personas y enviando efectos escalofriantes en todo el mundo.
En respuesta a la sentencia de hoy, Giselle Carino, Directora Ejecutiva de Fòs Feminista, emitió la siguiente declaración:
“La decisión de hoy en el caso Dobbs contra Jackson refleja el creciente control de las fuerzas autoritarias en los Estados Unidos. El ataque a la autonomía corporal de las mujeres y de otras personas es algo que los movimientos feministas mundiales conocen bien por los alarmantes avances que los grupos antigénero y antiderechos han hecho en todo el mundo.
“Sin lugar a dudas, Estados Unidos está retrocediendo y situándose al margen de otras democracias de una manera que es espantosa. EE. UU. se encuentra ahora entre un pequeño puñado de países que han retrocedido en el derecho al aborto: El Salvador, Honduras, Irán, Nicaragua y Polonia. El daño a la reputación de Estados Unidos como líder en salud pública a nivel mundial será inmenso.
“Apoyar a las mujeres y a otras personas que pueden quedar embarazadas en Estados Unidos, incluidas las migrantes, forma parte de una lucha mundial por la igualdad y la democracia, y no daremos marcha atrás. El acceso al aborto seguro y el derecho a tomar decisiones sobre nuestras propias vidas y cuerpos es lo que significa la democracia para las mujeres y otras personas que pueden quedar embarazadas.
Fòs Feminista y nuestras socias de los movimientos feministas globales venimos a esta lucha preparadas con lo que hemos aprendido, luchado y construido en la resistencia global al autoritarismo antiabortista. Como activistas feministas, somos expertas en lo que se necesita para ampliar el acceso al aborto en circunstancias difíciles, porque lo hemos hecho una y otra vez.”