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Meradith Leebrick

Meradith has 15 years of experience working in social innovation, social enterprise business model design and impact investing, collaborating one-on-one with nonprofit organizations and social entrepreneurs across the Global South to develop scalable models for growth and impact. She is responsible for coordinating the work of Fòs Feminista’s Social Innovation and Financing Unit, providing strategic direction to develop, grow and manage opportunities for flexible and repayable funding and engagement in collaborative social innovation initiatives, which are accessible to Partners across the alliance to resource and advance their work with women, girls, and gender diverse populations.

Meradith helped to launch Fòs Feminista’s flagship Feminist Impact Fund, a gender lens debt fund offering concessional loans to Partners to scale social enterprise models rooted in sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as the alliance’s Innovation and Social Enterprise Lab, which offers technical accompaniment to partners to ideate and replicate new earned revenue models to sustainably expand access to SRH initiatives for key populations. Throughout her career, Meradith has also worked closely with Acumen Academy, a social innovation platform offering accelerator programs across the globe, contributing as a lead facilitator for seven accelerator cohorts, including Acumen’s Gender Equity and Advancement Accelerator and Forcibly Displaced People Accelerator in East and West Africa and India.  In this role, Meradith collaborated with 100+ founders of early-stage ventures to offer strategic guidance for refining social enterprise models to both deepen impact and strengthen viability and sustainability. Meradith is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Fós Feminista in this role and continue to uncover new ways to unlock and channel catalytic capital and accompaniment to Partners across the alliance to amplify our collective impact.

Meradith received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Business Administration from George Washington University in Washington D.C.

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