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May 17, 2023

SRHR exist for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity or expression


Fòs Feminista commemorates the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia recognizing the work of our partners around the world.

On May 17th, we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT). It is a day to remember the struggle of LGBT+ people around the world who have faced discrimination, violence, and persecution just for being who they are. 

Fòs Feminista believes in the power of diversity and inclusion. We stand in solidarity with the LGBT+ community and reaffirm our commitment to defending their rights. All over the world, our partner organizations are providing LGBT+ friendly healthcare services, implementing advocacy strategies for the recognition of LGBT+ rights, and promoting sexual-diversity inclusive CSE. 

Along with partners from the Global South, we sent a letter to President Museveni from Uganda asking him to reject the Anti-homosexuality Law that was approved by the Parliament that would affect not just LGBT+ people but also anyone who provides any sort of service or support to LGBT+ communities.  

Hundreds of staff and volunteers from our partner organizations are LGBT+ and they themselves are creating safe spaces for the community who trust their peers. One of them is Sudipta who is a queer non-binary activist working at The YP Foundation in India where they (preferred pronoun) lead programs on comprehensive sexuality education and access to health and social support for LGBT+ people.  

“As a queer nonbinary person from a marginalized caste identity in India, it’s difficult to look at me away from the reality that how our lives are always an ‘issue’ to discuss in public and policy spaces. Working at The YP Foundation has been an insightful as well as extremely hopeful experience to imagine a workspace that is queer-affirmative as well as actively encourages queer-trans people to apply.”  

Rose (not her real name) is a trans sex worker from a Sub-Saharan country in Africa. She has volunteered with one of our partner organizations for many years providing training and support for her peers who regularly face discrimination, violence, and extortion in addition to barriers to access health services like HIV testing and prevention or STI treatment.  

Until I was contacted by the organization, I did not know that I had rights. I didn’t know that I could access health services, as many times at the clinic we would get turned back not only for being a sex worker but for also being trans. Without access to information, I would not know how to stand up for myself or protect myself. Now I also share that information and skills with my peers who are as vulnerable as I was a few years ago.” 

 In Mexico, Dafne works with Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir, a Fòs Feminista partner organization that promotes human rights and social justice from a feminist and catholic perspective. Dafne identifies as a lesbian and non-binary person working in the communications area from where they develop messages and strategies to tell people they should not be ashamed or feel guilt for who they are, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.  

“All the organizations working on sexual and reproductive health and rights should be committed with the rights of LGBT+ people because that is one way to achieve full equality and human dignity. For many people is hard to understand that you can work on SRHR and spirituality at the same time but for me it was a way to reconcile my commitment with rights, freedom, and love which can also be values within religion.” 

There is still a long way to go to achieve full equality and justice for all LGBT+ people but with the work of people like Sudipta, Rose, and Dafne we are changing the world. Today, we pledge to continue our efforts to promote awareness, acceptance, and love for the LGBT+ community. We will work towards creating a society that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone. 

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