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Reproductive Health Support in Haiti and Guatemala

Guatemala, Haiti, Latin America

Fòs Feminista and its partners in Haiti and Guatemala continue to provide reproductive healthcare amid crises, ensuring that services reach those in need. Learn how we support communities in challenging times.

In Haiti, the unprecedented surge of gang violence, looting, mobility restrictions, and lawlessness that took over the country in early 2024 contributed to widespread hunger and displacement. While only 20% of health services were operational, Fòs Feminista’s partner PROFAMIL committed to keeping their clinics open. 

At the height of the crisis, PROFAMIL’s Delmas clinic managed to stay open thanks to the teamwork of three nurses: RoseLore Lucien offered her own home generator to keep the lights on; Maude Joseph transported the generator to the clinic every day in her car; and Evelyne Castor searched for gasoline to run the generator.    

“Our team members are in the same situation as the people we serve, so they know that the services we offer are extremely important” – Florence Jeane Louise Vorbe, PROFAMIL’s Executive Director.

While the international development community has mostly forgotten about Haiti, Fòs Feminista has continued to provide financial support to PROFAMIL and mobilized donors in the United States during the crisis to offer emergency relief.  

In late 2023, Guatemala also faced national turmoil, when attempts to block the peaceful transfer of power resulted in more than 100 days of protest.  

Amidst street protests, road blocks, police repression, power outages, and dwindling access to basic resources that put many Guatemalans at risk, Fòs Feminista connected our partner WINGS Guatemala with other partners to share experiences about how to manage institutional risk during times of political instability and threat. 

Strengthening coordination with community partners was essential to overcoming the multiple barriers to reaching and continuing to provide services in communities, including protecting staff safety. When a WINGS physician was trapped behind a roadblock, the community partner sent a motorcycle to retrieve her so she could reach the health clinic and provide contraception to the women who had been waiting.  

“Reproductive health services open the door for women to shape their futures. This understanding is what drives our staff to persevere, even under dire circumstances.” – Eleanor Unsworth, Executive Director, WINGS.

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