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Latin America
4 organizations win WestWind Awards 2024-2025
The winning projects prioritize minority groups, present a clear strategy to boost youth participation, and use AMAZE content as part of their interventions.
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Latin America
In withdrawing from the declaration, Brazil and Colombia rejected international policies aimed at restricting sexual and reproductive rights guaranteed international agreements.
Two years after the revocation of the Global Gag Rule, no further actions have been taken
What once was a day of triumph now serves as a bitter reminder.
Today and every day, sexual and reproductive health and rights are human rights.
Fòs Feminista’s partners commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
Latin America
Desde Argentina, Fòs Feminista exigió que el trabajo de cuidados no interfiera con el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos
We cultivated partnerships and fostered collaborations with 220+ organizations in 40+ countries to advance sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice in 2021.
The new ruling makes safe, quality abortion more accessible—but more work needs to be done.
Today on Intersex Awareness Day, we join advocates calling for an end to non-consensual surgeries and for bodily autonomy. Let’s create a space for intersex people to feel safe!
Thanks to the Feminist Impact Fund, developed in collaboration with Kaya Impacto, our partners have been able to parchase equipment to better meet SRH needs.
In honor of the International Day of the Girl Child, learn what young women leaders in our Alliance are doing to advance SRHR.
On a day of solidarity and activism, Giselle Carino of Fòs Feminista marches alongside Mexican feminists demanding access to safe and affordable abortion care.

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